среда, 7. октобар 2015.

Rose of memories

Last days of warmness
It is gloss in the autumn's greenness
The last days of love
The last days of someones life 
Maybe that is last autumn's rose sign 
With its red sparkles

субота, 12. септембар 2015.

Some lines

Stupidity does not cast itself  in illiteracy , it casts itself in that you do not want to know something, in your stubbornness to not ask, seek, search, in your decision, choice not to know. 

субота, 29. август 2015.


Vrijednosti ostaju onoliko dugo u zavisnosti odakle potiču. I kako su postavljen u datom vremenu.

петак, 21. август 2015.

PrivacyMaxx Family Identity Theft Protection

In these days the greatest issue on the internet and in real life is regard your privacy, privacy of your family.
I do not about you but I like my privacy.
SFI is unveiling the PrivacyMaxx Family Identity Theft Protection 
It is plan for protection of you and for all your family for three years.
This is build only for Tripleclicks costumer including Proactive Monitoring System that will alert them to potential ID issue before it occurs, a full- managed family  identity recovery and for 12 month of post monitoring all for 199$ of one time payment.
When ID theft occurs the costumer of Tripleclicks will get access of PrivacyMaxx Family Identity Protection System who will recover ID for their family. It includes recovery of costumer name, credit history, documentation, dispute, reverse all fraudulent transactions and all known identity theft.

I hope that I could help you in some of your issues.

среда, 19. август 2015.

Sjajan recept za mršavljenje

Ovaj recept drage moje se sastoi od pokretljivosti i redukovane ishrane.
Kada sam počela da praktikujem navedeni recept nadala sam se rezultatima ali ne baš tako dobrim.
Taj recept se zasniva na sledećim nivoima:

  • Ujutro, dnevno uraditi sedamdest čučnjeva i sto trbušnjaka.
  • Popodne uraditi sedamdeset čučnjeva
  • Odrediti jedan dan posta u sedmici te izvršiti detoksikaciju organizma
Zašto kažem nivoi?

Za sve ovo postoi jedna doza discipline kako bi se prešle odredjene psihološke prepreke, u vidu odlaganja, te preskakanja odredjenih postavljenih potrebnosti.
Rezultati su vidljivi već posle prve sedmice u vidu smanjenja kilograma i do tri kg sedmično.
Nadam se da će vam navedeni recept biti od pomoći i da ćete ubrzo sa mnom podjeliti vaše rezultate.

среда, 5. август 2015.


I sometime want to be on the electricity

There was not many new things in my head. But some picture, or the word move my lighting again. Maybe it was teardrops of the rain on the glass, or new breath. 

четвртак, 30. јул 2015.

Ognjena Marija

Today is Ognjena Marija orthodox whole day.
Ognjena Marina known better like Ognjena Marija was saint woman who have died in her sixteen year. She was tossed in the fire.
In the people there was ancient stories about her punishment by the fire.
She has reputation  of momentary saint which punishes with fire.
 She is guard of the women.
On this day people do nothing.
Pray to this saint woman Ognjena Marija because your pried would be heard.  

субота, 25. јул 2015.

SFI and work on it

SFI is  marketing company which is part of many things trough which we can earn online. It is way  trough affiliate programs, playing games and trough your own online shop ECA program. 
The thing is give the every person who wants to work equal possibility to earn and make your own creativity in possibility to earn and it completely free. SFI is trough many ears partner with TripleClick ,company which is provide earnings trough selling and promoting whole kind of products. 

We have very much ways to earn:

  • Trough every day enter on SFI website, work on your TO DO list.
 Every day you have to do work which is listed to your TO DO list. It is very easy work. For start it is really basic things like confirm your registration or make your white list of emails from SFI like your sponsor emails and like that. Each month you have to have 1500 points to get EA and you like that get more benefit to rise your income like get two or more co- sponsor affiliates and in that way you can build your team.
  • Have your own blog and represent your own getaways
Have your own blog or channel about SFI and represent your link trough banners, or trough emails with text ads. Share your blog on  the network. You will have your own link for every aspect of the SFI business. Like Tripleclicks. com, music contest. In that way let your team grows and with that your income. Let people do for you and become leader in your team.
  • Buy and sell , products on Tripleclicks. com
Tripleclicks. com is the company in which you can earn by buying products 
In that way that you when you buy some product  from numerous online shop ECA you get 5 MRP.
What is that?
It is member rewords points for which you can buy TCredits and for that you can buy things completely free.
For that you gets and points for SFI and increase your incomes.
If you promote sell certain product you get also points which you need and percent from the sell these products.

  • Have your own online shop ECA or get some new ECA from your link.
Use your creativity, spread your little companies trough world in free way and with great possibility.
For that you have to have just your website where you sell your products.

  Great rewords which you help spread your business and make strong your work. That can you make very happy ended. In that games you can get free TCredits, MRP, and points for SFI

Get great things which you love for very low prices.  Free.

Make your own art work and show your self to the world.

In this program you can show your friends what you like, make challenge them to the games and get 300 points for SFI, also get free TCredits. 

I hope that you like it 

Be part of my team