уторак, 28. април 2015.

Mali laički zaključci o terorizmu

Yesterday evening has been occurred teroristical act on police station in Zvornic in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The terrorist age of 24  Nerdin Ibrich has entered in and killed one policemen and two other have been injured. The government of Republic of Serpsca has coled citizens on peace and not to spread  panice and national tensions. It has told that will be done every action in revealing this teroristical act in future. This is attack on Republic of Serbsca and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Bosnia and Herzegovina has big problem with terrorism which spreads. For one information there are hundred thousand terrorist in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In my opinion that which was happened yesterday evening was not lonely case. And that was full planed before. Terrorist came when in police station was shift time. He knew that in this time is big number of policemen. He has came to be killed and to kill. That information gives us conclusion that that information somebody has told to the terrorist.
 This has happened nearly close when happened the attack on border of Macedonia which was also  not accident. In my opinion the plan in long terms is atacktion on every institution in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to conquest it and to spread disorientation and panice in future.
Let we see what happened. Let we believ in or


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