четвртак, 12. март 2015.

Little imortant rendom observations

In last time by developing of the Internet we can be witness of the very strange things in behaves of the animals. We could tell that is strange but it is very in good way also.  The mouse eats with cat from the same dish. Lion hugs man. It is very interesting. First of all I want to say that  my opinion is not  of the professionalised, it is from the common viewer. I was witness some things with my cat like this before. I have thought that it is, like specialists have said, because they want food or that they have habits. But in last time I believe that animal develops itself more than in previous time.
My cat which was my pat before has had habit to wake me up in morning. It is not strange that it woke me up it is in the way how it was doing. It putted claw on my shoulder and was touching it more frequently.
My home have been before by large plain. In summer time the grass has been so big before we have catted it and like that in the grass might have been other dangerous animals like snake.When I wanted to go trough it my older cat, the mother of the cat which I have talked about before, would go with me whole time by my legs. Like it has felt some dangerous.
These are two example of  that I clime. The animals develops their self more than they were before.
I hope that it is case with people.       

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